Teeth Cleaning and Scaling

Dental cleaning and scaling are common or regular dental care procedures. People often get confused between dental cleaning and scaling. Both of them are used to remove hardened tartar or plaque from teeth. However, they both are not. Today we will discuss what teeth cleaning and scaling is to help you understand better.

What is dental cleaning?

Dental cleaning is a common oral care procedure that aims to clear plaque and dental debris from the upper part of the teeth. It is used to prevent conditions like gingivitis, cavities, tooth decay, etc. Teeth cleaning one will get dental cleaning services during their regular oral care visits.

When you visit the dentist for your routine check-ups they examine your teeth and clean, floss and polish your teeth to remove hardened tartar.

What is dental scaling?

Teeth cleaning and scaling are often combined but are actually two different processes. Teeth scaling is used for a deeper level of cleansing that removes plaque and dental debris from the gum line and under the gum. That is why scaling is mostly followed by root planning for optimal results.

Why is dental cleaning and scaling so important?

Teeth cleaning and scaling is a common procedure that your dentist may recommend performing during your routine checkups. This is one of the most common yet vital dental care services that every dentist will offer. Here are a few reasons to perform cleaning and scaling regularly –

·       Keeps teeth and gums healthy

Regular cleaning and scaling with the help of experts helps to remove tartar from your teeth and keep them healthy and strong. Regular cleaning and scaling can help your teeth last longer and be healthy.

·       Preventive care

Another essential reason to perform regular cleaning and scaling is preventive measurements. Regular cleaning and scaling help to prevent the build-up of tartar or plaque (hardened tartar) on teeth. And when you keep your teeth and gums free of tartar it helps to prevent conditions such as gingivitis, cavities, gum disease, tooth decay, etc.

·       Spotless smile

Besides the preventive care teeth cleaning and scaling also have aesthetical value. It helps to remove yellow spots and hardened tartar from your teeth and gum line and leaves a white, shiny bright smile.


Teeth cleaning and scaling both help to remove tartar, plaque and dental debris. Dentists often combine cleaning, scaling, flossing and polishing together for a complete dental care routine. Including regular brushing and flossing at home along with cleaning and scaling can give you optimal dental care results.