cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is the latest dental technique to improve the impression of teeth & entire smile. It is completely different from general dentistry which is related to oral healthcare, gum disease & other dental problems. Whereas Cosmetic Dentistry focuses on teeth gaps, yellowing & chipped teeth & misalignment. It brings positive changes in your facial looks & smile. Let’s explore the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures:

1. Brightening of Teeth 

Your teeth get discoloured due to several reasons like your lifestyle, foodstyle, age, consumption of coffee & habit of smoking. You can simply brighten your teeth in this easiest way. One-time professional teeth whitening can brighten your smile by several shades. Cosmetic Dentistry offers sophisticated whitening to give you a bright, natural smile quickly.

2. Porcelain Veneers Shells

Thin, specially-made shells are porcelain veneers. Your teeth will seem different after they are positioned on the front portion. Several dental defects can be corrected by it including chips, gaps, and uneven teeth, while also providing a long-lasting solution for tooth discolouration. It provides a natural smile with high durability & resistance to staining. 

3. Repairs with Composite Fillings and Restore

Composite fillings & restorations work to repair your chipped or damaged teeth. It is different from metal fillings as the composite filling is followed up by coloured materials. The least amount of damage is inflicted on the natural tooth structure with this minimally invasive process. It restores both the appearance and function of your teeth.

4. Dental Implants

Dental implants provide the solution to settle & place your missing teeth which affects your facial looks. Implants can provide stable support for dentures, crowns, or bridges. They are surgically placed into the jawline. Dental implants are the most important part of Cosmetic Dentistry as they support the health of your jawbone. Along with that, it restores your appearance.   

5. Fixing Crowns and Bridges 

Crowns and bridges are broadly applied in Cosmetic Dentistry. They can change your looks & can also build the strength of your teeth. When crowns are placed over your damaged teeth to protect the beauty of your teeth. Whereas bridges are attached to surrounding natural teeth to replace missing teeth. 

6. Application of Braces and Invisalign

Braces & Invisalign are the types of orthodontic treatments which are part of Cosmetic Dentistry. Braces are the traditional frame formed with metal brackets & wires that are placed in the teeth to bring them into their place. Whereas Invisalign are clear, removable aligners applied for teeth straightening.  

7. Cosmetic Contouring

Reshaping your teeth with cosmetic contouring is a rapid and non-invasive way to improve their appearance. To have a more beautiful smile, this treatment is ideal for individuals who have somewhat irregular or discoloured teeth.  


This field has various techniques by which you can regenerate your complete smile. When you visit a dentist who specialises in Cosmetic Dentistry, they will work to restore your smile and overall appearance. You can receive all these services of Cosmetic Dentistry under the expert care team of Star Light Dental. You can get the flawless results of it.