wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom Teeth Extraction takes place due to the reason of several oral issues like incorrect eruption, crowding in the mouth or impaction. The wisdom tooth is also known as the third molar in medical or dental terms. After the tooth extraction, there are a lot of questions that arise in the minds of patients. What will be the complications? What will the postoperative treatments be? And lastly, how long does it take to recover from Wisdom Teeth Extraction? However, the recovery depends on the complexity of the extraction as well as the patient’s cooperation.

Initial Recovery Phase: The First 24 to 72 Hours

The patient faces the most critical phase of recovery in the first 24 hours. During this time the patient undergoes mild to moderate pain with swelling & bleeding close to the extraction location. These are the common recovery steps that help to show signs of improvement in the next three days or 72 hours. Dental surgeons recommend painkillers to solve the discomfort of the operated patients. To prevent hurting the incision site; surgeons advise the patients to take soft food. They also advise applying ice packs to the cheek can assist minimize swelling. The patient should also avoid rinsing, smoking, and straws for 24 hours. These acts can destabilize blood clots, which are necessary for healing.

Days 3 to 7: The Healing Continues

The healing conditions of patients take them to the third day of the recovery process. Where some patients still have swelling conditions going down slowly. At this stage, patients should continue eating soft foods during this period as any necessary stitches may start to disintegrate. Here, the patient should take care of their oral health care by brushing their teeth softly and rinsing with salt water. 

Week 2: Returning to Normal

Finally, after the second week of Wisdom Teeth Extraction, the patient may get relief from pain & swelling.  To ensure full healing, patients should follow their dentist’s after-surgery care guidelines. Recovery may take longer if numerous wisdom teeth were removed or surgery was complicated. 

Full Recovery

It may take several weeks to recover from Wisdom Teeth Extraction. The presence of a cyst or a significant tooth impact can make complex situations for the recovery. The tissues in the jawbone and mouth keep healing during this time.

Aftercare and Professional Support

The recovery time of Wisdom Teeth Extraction also depends on the aftercare & professional support of the dentist to the patient. Patients can have confidence in their post-operative care due to their experience with Wisdom Teeth Extractions. This care is prioritized for a speedy recovery.


Following wisdom teeth extraction, most patients return to normality within seven to ten days of the procedure. Recovery typically takes one to two weeks. The difficulty of the extraction may however affect how long it takes for the jawbone and tissue to fully heal. Patients may recover well and resume their regular activities without incident if they adhere to the aftercare guidelines, manage their pain appropriately, and monitor the healing process.